


ECO-UNESCO’s Young Environmentalist Awards is an all-Ireland environmental awards programme that recognises and rewards young people who raise environmental awareness and improve the environment.

Benefits to your child

The emphasis in a Young Environmentalist Awards is the personal development of the learner or participant. The focus is on individual learning, working as part of a team to choose, plan, investigate, and implement a project on the environment. Through the Young Environmentalist Awards learners are given the opportunity to make a real difference to quality of life, of their own local community, as well as contributing to the future well being of the planet. Learners will begin to recognize their own abilities and develop new skills.

New skills:

  • Team work
  • Organisational
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Self-confidence
  • Research
  • Project planning

Links to their curriculum

The Young Environmentalist Awards programme links to numerous subjects and aspect of the primary and secondary syllabus, strengthening their knowledge base and understanding of a topic.

Curriculum links

How you can support your young environmentalist

You can directly support your child taking environmental action by becoming an Eco-Leader.

Eco-leader page
