Our Funding
ECO-UNESCO is funded by a variety of sources from national to European Government and agencies contributing to both the overall development of the organisation and project specific work. ECO-UNESCO also receives funding from corporate sources, consultancy and membership and programme fees.
ECO-UNESCO’S main core funding comes from
- The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
- Irish Environmental Network Core Funding
- Department of Rural and Community Development under the Scheme to Support National Organisations (via POBAL)
The Scheme to Support National Organisations is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of Rural and Community Development
- The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
- Department of Foreign Affairs – Irish Aid Development Education Grant
ECO-UNESCO receives funding from
- The Environmental Protection Agency
- DCEDIY administered through City of Dublin Youth Service Board
- Local Authorities nationwide under the Community Environment Action Fund and Anti-Litter fund
- Erasmus+ (administered via Léargas)
ECO-UNESCO received a range of funding related to specific projects including
- Worldwise Global Schools from Irish Aid
- Accenture
- Concern