Level 3 : Outdoor Vegetable Crop Production
ECO-UNESCO has become widely acknowledged as an expert training organisation in sustainability in Ireland.
ECO-UNESCO is an accredited QQI centre operating under the qualities and standards set out by QQI, the National Awarding Body.
Outdoor Vegetable Crop Production
Programme and Award Name: Outdoor Vegetable Crop Production
Award Type: Minor
Awarding Body: QQI
Code: 3N0890
NFQ Level: 3
Credit Value: 10
Duration: 100 hours (normally over 12 weeks)
Programme Purpose and Learning Outcomes
Programme Purpose: To equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to produce a crop of outdoor vegetables under supervision.
Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, learners will be able to;
- List the tools, materials and equipment required to grow outdoor vegetables
- List the stages of ground preparation for vegetable sowing
- Explain pH levels in the soil
- Explain the purpose of and techniques for thinning, transplanting and weeding
- Describe a range of preventative methods for controlling vegetable diseases and pests organically or with chemicals
- Carry out a soil test
- Prepare the ground for growing vegetables including clearing the ground organically or with chemicals, single digging, improving soil fertility, cross-digging the area, forking over, raking and levelling, marking out and preparing drills
- Sow a vegetable crop from seeds or transplant a crop to outdoors
- Use a range of techniques to maintain the vegetable crop including thinning, transplanting, watering, feeding, weed-control, mulching, disease and pest control
- Harvest the crop at the correct stage of maturity
- Demonstrate the application of communications, team working and quality awareness in a horticulture environment
- Apply appropriate health, safety and personal hygiene procedures when producing a crop of vegetables.
Entry Requirements, Assessment and Transfer

Entry Requirements:
- Must be able to demonstrate the levels of knowledge, skill and competence associated with NFQ level 2
- Competent in written and spoken English
- Be comfortable studying in a virtual learning environment (VLE)
Portfolio/Collection of work: 20%
Skills Demonstration: 80%
Transfer and Progression
This minor award can be used to meet the requirements of the following major award; 3M0874 | Level 3 | General Learning