Our vision, mission and objectives
Our Vision is a sustainable world where young people are actively engaged in protecting the environment.
Our mission is to protect the natural environment and empower young people by developing their knowledge, skills and confidence that channels their passion into positive and creative actions that helps create a sustainable planet.
Our approach
- We take a youth centred approach and promote learning for, about and in the environment
- We develop leadership skills, confidence, self-belief and self-esteem
- We provide an opportunity for young people to feel socially engaged and make new friends
- We include young peoples views – they decide, they plan, they act and they engage their peers.

Our objectives

Our mission is to protect the natural environment and empower young people by developing their knowledge, skills and confidence that channels their passion into positive and creative actions that helps create a sustainable planet.
We do this by:
• Raising awareness, understanding and knowledge of the natural environment among young people.
• Engaging, inspiring and empowering young people by facilitating their personal development and well-being through practical environmental projects, activities and skills development.
• Promoting the protection and conservation of the environment by empowering young people to lead in action oriented environmental projects and activities and by promoting positive and environmental behaviour.
• Advocating for environmental education, education for sustainable development, the natural environment and youth development.
• Promoting the ideals of UNESCO and working with likeminded organisations in Europe and globally.