Environmental Workshops
ECO-UNESCO is a specialist provider of environmental education and youth services in Ireland.
Our environmental workshops are available to schools and youth groups, with each workshop designed to empower young people to learn more about environmental topics in an interactive, positive way appropriately designed for each age group.
Learning 2 Change Our World promotes Education for Sustainable Development in Secondary Schools, contributing to the implementation of the national Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development.
Workshops Structure:
- Designed for young people aged 10-25
- Arranged for a date that suits both you and the facilitator
- Available through flexible delivery methods which can take place in-person in your school/youth venue or through online delivery.
- Can accommodate up to 30 students
- Duration of 90 minutes per workshop
Our Workshops
Climate Action
Deepen your understanding of climate change and explore positive actions to combat these threats.
Fashion Focus
Take a peak into the fashion industry and its impact on people planet and animals as we assess more sustainable and ethical fashion choices.
Waste Warriors
Open your eyes to forgotten waste and explore actions to reduce our indivudal and collective consumption.
Exploring Ecology & Biodiversity
Dive into the importance of biodiversity in our world and explore positive solutions to protect our ecosystems on a local and global level.
Marine Life
Explore life below water and dive into action to protect our aquatic ecosystems.
Climate Justice
Climate change impacts different regions and communities in varying ways. Discover its global effects and learn how to engage in climate justice.
Food for Future
Investigate the current and future production systems and examine actions to help create a more sustainable planet.
6 Steps to Success
This workshop is one of our most sought-after workshops! Gain skills and confidence to conduct your own action projects in your school, community or as part of the Young Environmentalist Awards.
Student Leadership Training
Learn what it takes to be a leader in your community. Develop new skills and put sustainable development into practice
TY Sustainable Development Programme
This 6-module course is based on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and gives TY students an opportunity to explore both social and environmental sustainability encouraging them to think critically and gain confidence in using their voice.
Workshops pricing