
Who can set up an ECO-UNESCO Club?


The ECO-UNESCO Clubs programme is open to any group of 2 or more people aged 10 – 18. You can start your own club or affiliate an existing group. So find a friend, talk to your environmental committee or community group and sign up today.

Why set up an ECO-UNESCO Club?

Benefits of forming an ECO-UNESCO Club:

  • Each Club receives a Clubs pack with valuable information on setting up a Club and how to plan a project
  • Ongoing support, mentoring, and advice from ECO-UNESCO staff
  • Opportunities to attend events and trainings throughout the year
  • Access to seeds grants through the Toyota Clubs in Action programme
  • Be a part of an all-island network of hundreds ECO-UNESCO Clubs, made up of thousands young people

Advantages to being a member of an ECO-UNESCO Club:

  • Take part in environmental activities and raise environmental awareness in your community
  • Meet other young people who are interested in environmental issues
  • Develop new personal skills such as communication, team-building and leadership skills
  • Learn planning and management skills
  • Have fun taking part in environmental action projects, campaigns, events and activities

What next?

Once you decide that you wish to become a Club then all you have to do is follow these six simple steps:

Step 1 – Bring a new or existing group together
Step 2 – Get permission from an adult*
Step 3 – Contact ECO-UNESCO’s Clubs Team. Download an application form here
Step 4 – Organise meetings
Step 5 – Draw up a plan of action and share tasks among members
Step 6 – Have fun and take action for the environment

*If you are affiliating an existing club or youth group, please get permission from your teacher or youth leader.

To get your ECO-UNESCO Club off the ground, send an email to the ECO-UNESCO Clubs Team today!

Email: clubs@ecounesco.ie