
Learning2Change Our World (L2C) promotes Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in secondary schools across Ireland. Here’s how we can bring ESD to your school:


  • ‘Sustainable Development’ workshop: a dynamic and hands-on workshop that explores the idea of Sustainable Development in a global context but also encourages students to think about their own values and patterns of consumption.
  • Taking Action‘ workshop: encourages students to think for themselves and empowers them to engage in an environmenta action project, giving them practical tools to promotes Sustainable Development in their school or local community which they can then submit to the Young Environmentalist Awards.


These workshops are delivered at your school for students and teachers, where teachers have the opportunity to observe and discuss various active learning methodologies used and the L2C staff are available to meet with members of staff after the workshops to discuss these and Education for Sustainable Development more generally.

NEW Student Council Training


This fun and active 2 hour training to School Student Councils during will develop student’s leadership skills and engage in peer to peer learning so that they have better capacity to raise awareness on environmental and sustainability issues to their peers throughout the school and beyond.

The Student Council is encouraged to lead an Action Project which they can submit to the Young Environmentalist Awards and/or set up and run an ECO-Club.

This is a great way to support a whole school approach to Education for Sustainable Development. 

Regional Teacher and Student Training


4x 1 Day Training Days will take place in each region of the country. The training is for teachers and students alike. One or two teachers from each of 5 schools in the region may attend and bring with them a small group of students.


Teachers will explore how Education for Sustainable Development/Development Education (ESD/DE) can best be addressed in the classroom. The training explains links between ESD/DE and the curriculum with a focus on both subject specific and cross-curricular links, highlighting the importance of ESD/DE at both junior and senior cycle.

A variety of Active Learning methodologies will also be discussed and demonstrated. These training events offer networking opportunities for teachers and ensure a growth in confidence to deliver DE/ESD through continued support in the use of the online learning platform ‘Edmodo.’


Students will learn about Sustainable Development, explore their leadership skills and be encouraged to become peer educators.

New Teacher and Student training dates will be announced in 2018.

Teacher substitution costs will be covered at €40 per hour for up to 5 hours for each teacher. Lunch will be provided.


Whole School Planning

ECO-UNESCO will work with 5 schools during the year to help build capacity through whole school planning sessions. These sessions are for teachers, staff and principals and will explore how ESD/DE programmes and policies can be implemented in the school. The aim of this training is to encourage a whole school approach to ESD/DE.


Places on this popular programme are allocated on first come, first serve basis. Please contact Susie for information or to sign up at youth@ecounesco.ie or call 01 662 5491.