ECO-UNESCO is affiliated to the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations. Who is UNESCO and what are its goals? UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values. It is through this dialogue that the world can achieve global visions of sustainable […]

About Us

ECO-UNESCO is Ireland’s Environmental Education and Youth Organisation that works to conserve the environment and empower young people. ECO-UNESCO is affiliated to the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (WFUCA).   ECO-UNESCO’s aims are: to raise environmental awareness, understanding and knowledge of the environment among young people to promote the protection and conservation […]

Our Mission and Aims

To support the personal development of young people and raise environmental awareness through practical environmental projects. ECO-UNESCO aims to: raise environmental awareness, understanding and knowledge among young people promote the protection and conservation of the environment support the personal development of young people through practical environmental projects and activities. promote the ideals of UNESCO ECO-UNESCO […]


ECO-UNESCO is Ireland’s environmental education and youth organisation affiliated to the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (WFUCA).   ECO-UNESCO’s aims are: to raise environmental awareness, understanding and knowledge of the environment among young people to promote the protection and conservation of the environment to promote the personal development of young people through […]

Our People

Board of Directors  ECO-UNESCO is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors called the National Council. The National Council is made up of representatives or members of ECO-UNESCO.     The following individuals serve as Members of the National Council (Directors) on a voluntary basis: Niall Jennings (Chairperson) Danny Dockery (Company Secretary) Marie Collins (Treasurer) Chris […]


Funding for ECO-UNESCO’s diverse range of programmes and services come from a variety of sources, including: Department of Children and Youth Affairs Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government Department of Foreign Affairs Local Authorities nationwide Pobal Leargas Solas WorldWise Global Schools Commercial sponsorship Fundraising Membership subscriptions […]

Contact Us

ECO-UNESCO 9 Burgh Quay Dublin 2 Ireland Phone: (+353) 01 662 5491 Email: {chronoforms5}new-contact-form{/chronoforms5}  

The Greenhouse

The Greenhouse has moved to 9, Burgh Quay, Dublin 2. It is open from 9:30 to 5, Monday to Friday. Location: The Greenhouse9 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2T: (+353) 01 662 5491E:

Test Item on About Us Menu

The one-stop-shop for all of your online and digital marketing. We are a website design studio with a strong business focus and a deep commitment to client service. All of our work is geared towards one simple goal: To build and manage websites that are easy and enjoyable for visitors to use. Our clients come […]

Privacy Statement

ECO-UNESCO Privacy Statement  Updated 1 May 2018 ECO-UNESCO is committed to respecting the privacy of all individuals with whom we interact. This privacy statement provides transparent information about the ways in which ECO-UNESCO collects, stores, shares or keeps personal information provided by our participants, partners, customers and funders. How we use your information Using our […]