This part time programme leading to a component certificate in Community Participation FETAC Level 3 explores community development principles including empowerment, participation & sustainability in theory and in practise. Community issues & responses are elaborated in a thought provoking manner utilising class room, experiential & inquiry based learning techniques. In doing so the programme promotes active citizenship through community participation in environmental protection, education & conservation.
This programme is based on 10 teaching sessions, a 35 hour community work experience, which extends to the planning & execution of a local environmental community action project. Active citizenship lies at the heart of Local Agenda 21 which is a process which facilitates sustainable development at community level. It is an approach, based on participation which respects the social, cultural, economic and environmental needs of the present and future citizens of a community in all its diversity. As such it relates to the community and its future while being linked to the regional, national and international community of which it is a part.
The Objectives for the programme are as follows:
- To acquire a general knowledge of local community development in theory & in practise
- To develop know how & skill in planning and participating in a local community based environmental action project work
- To acquire competence in active citizenship at a local community level
- To further develop practical life skills including problem solving, critical thinking, relational thinking, decision making/consequence learning and self awareness
- To develop communication, project planning and facilitation skills
Anyone interested in learning more about community development and sustainability including: youth leaders, community workers, local authorities, professionals, businesses, teachers, young people under 25 and the general public.
ECO-UNESCO @ The Greenhouse, 17 St Andrew Street, Dublin 2
2015 dates will be announced shortly, please email education@ecounesco.ie for more information or click here to register your interest in the course.
How much?
€200 ECO-UNESCO Members, students, unwaged, young people under 25;
€220 Voluntary and Community Sector;
€240 Statutory
How do I book?
Once dates have been announced, please click here to book online.
Contact ECO-UNESCO at training@ecounesco.ie or telephone +353 (0)1 662 5491
Expression of Interest
For further information please fill in the form here.