

This short course provides a practical and interactive introduction to ECO-Community Gardens.
By the end of the training participants will:

  • Understand the advantages of an ECO-Community Garden to the local and global environment
  • Identify the benefits of an ECO-Community Garden project in relation to empowering and educating youth/community groups
  • Be familiar with activities to engage and motivate youth/community groups in environmental awareness and learning
  • Have skills to undertake the steps of the action plan and to design, create and maintain an ECO-Community Garden with youth/community groups
  • Be able to apply low budget, re-used and recycled materials in creation of ECO-Community Garden
  • Be inspired to engage youth/community groups in undertaking action in their locality through interactive learning and critical thinking


Anyone interested in learning more about setting up a Community Garden.

Where and When?

On request

On Demand (special group fee): ECO-UNESCO also runs this course to groups on request; if you are interested please contact us.

How much?

€70 ECO-UNESCO Members, students, unwaged, young people under 25;
€80 Voluntary and Community Sector; 
€90 Statutory

Special offer: Receive a 10% discount when 2 people form the same organisation sign up 


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