Following on from the success of ECO-UNESCO’s Rio+20 Transnational Youth Meeting last November, the UNESCO clubs who attended from countries such as France, Latvia, Italy and Malta all returned to their home countries to carry out environmental action projects to help improve their own countries and communities.
August marks the first of ECO-UNESCO’s return visits to these European UNESCO clubs to view the progress made on the projects. Elaine Nevin, National Director of ECO-UNESCO will this week visit the Malta UNESCO Youth Association for the launch of their project in Valletta. Having spent time at the youth meeting voicing their ideas on how to make the world a better place and interacting with policy makers, the Maltese group returned home hugely inspired from their time in Dublin. They began work on a project that would help their school, De la Salle College, introduce smart, clean and economically efficient equipment to raise awareness of how small actions can make a huge impact on the environment.
Running a ‘switch off the lights’ campaign, setting up waste paper recycle banks, cultivating an organic garden and piloting a solar panel project are all actions that are now helping to increase the sustainability and environmental friendliness of their school.
Over the next few weeks Ms. Nevin will visit France, Latvia and Italy to view the progress made by the young UNESCO club members on their eco-action projects.
To read about all of the Rio+20 action projects, please click {attachments}