
ECO-UNESCO has become widely acknowledged as an expert training organisation in sustainability in Ireland.


ECO-UNESCO is an accredited QQI centre operating under the qualities and standards set out by QQI, the National Awarding Body.

ECO-UNESCO offers courses in the areas of sustainable development, environmental education and youth and community development and is

open to all interested in availing of flexible accreditation that can be used to enhance their learning experience and their professional development.


ECO-UNESCO is the leading provider of the flagship training course: Sustainable Development (QQI Level 5).


ECO-UNESCO is an accredited QQI training centre offering the following courses: 

ECO-UNESCO’s Sustainable Development (QQI – L5)

ECO-UNESCO’s Growing Vegetables (QQI – L4)

ECO-UNESCO’s Outdoor Vegetable Crop Production (QQI – L3)


Progression Paths – How can I use my QQI accreditation?

ECO-UNESCO’s Sustainable Development QQI Level 5 L22380 can be used as credit for many QQI Major Awards. 

Participants on ECO-UNESCO’s QQI Sustainable Development module can use their accreditation for a variety of other QQI major awards including community development among others.


Learn more about the National Framework of Qualifications here.