
It’s going to be an exciting year here at ECO-UNESCO (We are turning 30!). Check out January’s E-Bulletin 2016 for all the goings on so far in 2016



                                              E-BULLETIN January 2016   



ECO-UNESCO offer a range
of membership options for
individuals, clubs, and organisations.

Get in touch to find a membership that’s right for you!

Check out the membership section on our website.


Are you energetic, enthusiastic and motivated?  Are you passionate about the environment and empowering young people? ECO-UNESCO could be the place for you! Find all current opportunities on ourwebsite.


Want to set up an environmental club?

Contact us to find out how you can start an ECO-UNESCO Club in your school, community or youth group.

We’ll help you out with resources and support to help make your club a success.






9 Burgh Quay
Dublin 2

Phone: 353 1 662 5491
Fax: +353 1 662 5493
Email: info@ecounesco.ie


Training Courses- Enrolling NOW!

ECO-UNESCO is a leading provider of environmental, sustainability and youth training. All our courses are delivered in our training facilities at our office in 9 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2.

Leadership and Strategic Sustainable Development & ECO-Sustainability Award
Tuesday January 26th
10 am – 4 pm

Education for Sustainable Development Environmental perspective  

One or two day course

Day one:
ends & Development
Thursday March
31st – 10 am to 4 pm

Day Two: 
Curriculum Links
Friday April 1st 
10 am to 4 pm
Dear friends of ECO-UNESCO,             Directors
Welcome to a New Year at ECO-UNESCO; I hope you are looking forward to the next few months as much as we are here in ECO-UNESCO. We have a lot to look forward to in 2016 as we continue to educate, engage and inspire young people to get involved in environmental protection and conservation through our numerous events, activities and youth programmes.
We are delighted to announce that we have now moved to our new permanent building at 9 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2.  This is a very exciting move for ECO-UNESCO and we will be developing our green space over the coming months and years. 
We are also delighted to announce a number of new initiatives that we will be running in 2016.

These include a new partnership with Accenture under their ‘Skills to Succeed’ programme and funding under the Dormant Accounts Fund for new Youth Employment programmes in 2016; these will develop green skills in long term unemployed young people for possibilities in the green economy.  We will also be rolling out a Green Connections II programme funded by the NYCI Youth Health initiative ‘Connected Communities’. To find out more about these please log onto www.ecounesco.ie   

ECO-UNESCO is continuing our engagement in UNESCO’s Global Action Programme and is promoting leadership training and local environmental action projects through our Youth for Sustainable Development and the Young Environmentalist Awards programmes. 

As always we would like to encourage all of you to get involved in ECO-UNESCO by taking part in any of our programmes, becoming a member orvolunteering. Until next month be sure to keep up to date with all our news and events on Twitter,Facebook and our website.
Until next time,

Elaine Nevin,
National Director


A big thanks to those who have registered for the Young Environmentalist Awards (YEA) 2016. We’ve had huge interest in the YEA 2016 and we are really looking forward to receiving all of the projects and finding out what amazing ideas young people have for carrying out positive eco-action in their communities and further afield! 

Don’t forget that the deadline for project submission is 26th February 2016.

For more information on project submission and judging project, click here!
Please feel free to email yea@ecounesco.ie with any questions you may have.




ECO-UNESCO are pleased to announce the launch of a new programme called Green Connections II – Healthy Living. 

The program is funded under the NYCI Youth Health programme initiative Connected Communities. This new programme is a two-part project that aims to empower young people to make healthy lifestyle choices, while engaging them with the environment in a practical and youth friendly way.

Part I of the programme is for 10-13yr olds incorporating a series of healthy living workshops that will cover a wide range of topics including the food pyramid, green exercise and making healthy choices, gardening and growing, waste, the natural environment, biodiversity and environmental protection.

Part II of the programme consists of healthy living gardening workshops followed by outdoor excursions, for 14-20yr olds.

Find out more on our website or contact youth@ecounesco.ie



We are delighted to welcome back our Green Pathways participants after the Christmas break.  Our participants have already started back with weekly project support and employment clubs and are ready to find sustainable employment.
All participants have gained new environmental skills and are in the final stages of completing their FETAC assignments for our Ecology in the Environment FETAC Level 6, Sustainable Development FETAC Level 5 and Work Experience FETAC Level 5. These valuable skills will allow them to be at the forefront of one of tomorrow’s leading sectors and some have already progressed onto employment.

ECO-UNESCO is delighted to announce a new partnership with Accenture in 2016 and funding from the Dormant Accounts Fund to roll out our new Green Youth Employment programmes during 2016. These full-time programmes are aimed at unemployed young people aged between 16-24 years.

ECO-UNESCO’s Green Youth Employment Programme has something to suit everyone as the programmes take a blended learning approach including professional environmental FETAC accredited training, motivational training, a valuable work placement to help them get their ‘foot in the door’ to companies and organisations they may not otherwise have access to and additional project support and job clubs.

ECO-UNESCO will roll out the new Green Youth Employment Programmes throughout 2016! Keep an eye on our website for key dates and to register your interest please contact Niamh ongreenpathways@ecounesco.ie or on 01 6625491.


Before the December holidays we had regional training in Galway, Dublin and Limerick. During the training there were many different topics covered in student workshops such as climate change, deforestation, human rights, as well as the new sustainable development goals. Teachers had the opportunity to discuss Education for Sustainable Development and how to integrate it into their subject areas. During the month of January the Learning2Change Our World Youth Officer will be back on the road visiting schools to do workshops with both students and teachers.
You can get more information about the Learning 2 Change Our World Programme by visiting the Learning 2 Change section on our website!

Learning2Change Our World is a ECO-UNESCO programme that takes a whole school approach with both teachers and young people receiving training. The training provides up to date knowledge in issues regarding sustainability and development on a local and global level.

If you have any questions about this programme please contact the Learning2Change Our World coordinator onlearning2change@ecounesco.ie

Learn2change 2 



Eco AwardIs your organisation interested in becoming a sustainable organisation?
Are you undertaking actions to lead the way towards a more socially and environmentally just future for all and you are interested in celebrating and rewarding the work of your Youth and Community organisation?
Then the ECO-Sustainability Awards are for you!
The Programme aims to encourage youth and community organisations to become more sustainable by providing them with training, on-going support and a practical toolkit.

As a reward for successfully completing the programme you will receive the ECO-Sustainability Award, a national award recognising the steps you have made towards creating a sustainable future

                      Participation to the Programme is free! SIGN UP TODAY!
                          Contact education@ecounesco.ie or by phone 01 6625491

3. Connaught ECO-Den 2012 - St Brigids Loughrea - Green Diversity (5)    ECO-UNESCO CLUBS

    Do you want to set up your own         environmental club and become 
    part of our ECO-UNESCO 
    Clubs programme?

    If you want to start a club in 
    your school, youth group or
    local community, then get in 
    touch with us and we’ll help 
    provide you with the support 
    and resources you need to make
    your club a success.

 Just contact clubs@ecounesco.ie or phone us on 01 662 5491 to find out more.



The ECO-UNESCO Environmental Youth Officer was on the road again in December offering a series of workshops for young people, focussing on waste and litter, and taking action on it! The participating groups came from Confey Community College in Leixlip, Patrician Secondary School, Newbridge, Killinarden Community School in South Dublin and Rice College all the way out in Westport. Between them, these schools registered 35 separate action projects into our Young Environmentalist Awards 2016! Well done guys!

We will be working local authorities around Ireland during 2016 check out our website for updates.

Lokking at Litter 2


Eco workshops

Don’t forget to book your Discover Primary Science and Maths workshop with ECO-UNESCO. We deliver in your school, and cover topics such as energy, climate change, waste, water and biodiversity – all DPSM workshops are interactive and youth friendly – take the predators quiz in the biodiversity workshop or have a water cycle race in the water workshop! Schools completing a DPSM workshop will receive a DPSM certificate.

Alternatively – our ECO Workshops are open to all age groups and cover the same topics, and more…! Why not learn about Media & Sustainability or take a look at the clothing industry in Fashion Focussed. For more information on any of these workshops contact youth@ecounesco.ie




        ECO-UNESCO is Ireland’s environmental education and youth organisation affiliated to the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres         and Associations (WFUCA). ECO-UNESCO is part-funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs’ Youth Service Grant Scheme         with the support from the National Lottery fund. For more information email ECO-UNESCO.

ECO-UNESCO is a registered charity (No. CHY 7225)





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