Youth for Sustainable Development participant Cleo writes about why she’s going on #ClimateStrike this Friday, March 15th.
On Friday March 15th I’m going on strike to raise awarness on global warming and climate change.
As a teenager, it seems obvious to me that taking part in this protest movement is the right thing to do. We often hear that
teenagers are irresponsible, and that we are not mature enough to engage with important issues such as climate change.
We’re not listened to because people think we’re too young to have an opinion – but I firmly believe the opposite.
My name is Cleo, and I am a French teenager who has been living in Dublin for the last year.
The young people I met here have been incredibly inspiring for me –
they’ve helped me to believe that youth from all over the world can and will have a voice !
Our voices are so much more important than adults, especially when it comes to global warming because
it isn’t their future that will be jeopardized, it’s ours! We are the ones who need, want and will ultimately have to make the changes when it comes
to taking action on this matter. We can no longer avoid the reality of what is happening, or turn a blind eye to all the climate refugees.
This Friday, I am striking for all of my generation who will have to live with the reprecussions, for all the climate refugees who are facing this harsh reality everyday,
and for our dear planet, to whom we owe everything.