Vote for your favourite YEA project!
YEA 2021 People’s Choice Awards Live Ended
You, Me and the Trees1% 1000 / 64.7k
Castle Habitat0% 44 / 64.7k
Book in, Bug out1% 1k / 64.7k
Planet Bee Ireland0% 76 / 64.7k
Tree Huggers0% 6 / 64.7k
Forces of Nature0% 13 / 64.7k
Climate Crew0% 34 / 64.7k
Derry Lough biodiversity0% 168 / 64.7k
Balla No Name Club Oak Tree0% 18 / 64.7k
Bird Feeder Infection Problem0% 11 / 64.7k
The Birds and the Bees0% 147 / 64.7k
Seedling Swap0% 318 / 64.7k
Pollinator Garden0% 7 / 64.7k
The Future of fashion0% 252 / 64.7k
Polar Express4% 3.2k / 64.7k
Sea Saviours2% 1.8k / 64.7k
How Covid-19 Has Had An Impact On Global Warming0% 357 / 64.7k
Does Carbon Concentration affect the Stomatal Density of Leaves8% 5.2k / 64.7k
Save our planet and our money one giant sequoia at a time0% 185 / 64.7k
Carbon Footprint:Eradicating the stigma0% 515 / 64.7k
Can stopping beef production reverse or reduce climate change0% 237 / 64.7k
Are goats the answer to our cow problem?0% 28 / 64.7k
Feabhsaigh Fast Fashion33% 21.6k / 64.7k
Sustainable Sem- Sensory Community Garden0% 24 / 64.7k
Clear Traffic Cleans Air0% 38 / 64.7k
Eat Less Meat0% 168 / 64.7k
Anti-Discrimination Mural0% 12 / 64.7k
Rebel Green0% 67 / 64.7k
Are Irish people slow learners when it comes to fast fashion?0% 133 / 64.7k
AAA0% 5 / 64.7k
Sensory Garden0% 5 / 64.7k
Vegetable Garden in Aid of Refugees0% 36 / 64.7k
The Sound of Silence0% 2 / 64.7k
Bio-Senses0% 2 / 64.7k
Hakuna Matata0% 13 / 64.7k
ECO20% 226 / 64.7k
Hemp for a Sustainable Future0% 380 / 64.7k
Let’s Talk About It0% 2 / 64.7k
Vertical Farming For a Better Ireland23% 15.5k / 64.7k
Plastic Greenhouse Fun0% 1 / 64.7k
Stop spoiling milk, start seeing changes0% 1 / 64.7k
Did you ever think how much a ‘thumbs up’ costs?0% 58 / 64.7k
Green Energy in Galway0% 3 / 64.7k
WAVEing litter goodbye0% 90 / 64.7k
W.A.S.T.E.0% 395 / 64.7k
Wake Up to Academy’s Waste0% 149 / 64.7k
Our Environment – Your Litter0% 309 / 64.7k
TBC – Fast Fashion0% 2 / 64.7k
Fast Fashion V Sustainable Fashion0% 74 / 64.7k
The Plastic Yeeters0% 379 / 64.7k
Oceanique0% 5 / 64.7k
Going Single Use Plastic Free in Galway ETSS0% 275 / 64.7k
Covid 9-Team21% 13.9k / 64.7k
Plastic Seas0% 103 / 64.7k
Take back your Tights0% 2 / 64.7k
What are We Recycling?0% 178 / 64.7k
The Rainwater Rescuers20% 13.2k / 64.7k
Hydration Stations0% 633 / 64.7k
Guardians of the Garden0% 32 / 64.7k
What Birds Can Teach us about Bravery0% 8 / 64.7k
St. Anne’s City Farm0% 400 / 64.7k
Connecting Nature with Wellbeing0% 2 / 64.7k
Play Your Part0% 11 / 64.7k
How Trees Support our Wellbeing0% 48 / 64.7k
Dunboyne Clean Air0% 546 / 64.7k