Global Youth Citizens for Sustainable Development

Ireland’s Global Youth Citizens Speak Out about RIO+20 at ECO-UNESCO’s National Youth Meeting Young people from across the island of Ireland gathered at the Greenhouse in Dublin to learn and share their ideas about sustainable development at ECO-UNESCO’s “Global Youth Citizens for Sustainable Development – A National Youth Meeting for Rio+20.”  This one day interactive event […]

ECO-UNESCO Launches Green Pathways Programme

Green Pathways – a new training programme as part of the new Momemtum initiative   ECO-UNESCO, Ireland’s leading environmental education and youth organization, announces its newest initiative called Green Pathways aimed at training and progressing unemployed people who are under 25s onto employment in the green economy.  The programme, part of the newly launched FAS […]

Join ECO-UNESCO for National Tree Week!

National Tree Week is a week-long festival that celebrates all the positive aspects of trees in our lives and environment. It is organised by the Tree Council of Ireland and takes place from 4 to 10 March 2012. ECO-UNESCO is offering two of its environmental workshops during this week: 1. Urban Ecology Discovery Days – […]

ECO-UNESCO’S Youth Exploring Rio+20

ECO-UNESCO welcomed young people from across Europe to join policy makers and experts at the Youth Exploring Rio+20 – A UNESCO Clubs Transnational Youth Meeting at the Greenhouse  Young people from France, Italy, Latvia, and Malta have come to Ireland to meet key politicians and policy makers, to have their voices heard about how to […]

Road to Rio+20: Exploratory Event

ECO-UNESCO hosted a group of educators from NGOs, schools and youth organisations at the Greenhouse for the Road to Rio+20 Exploratory Event on Wednesday, 18th January. The group participated in interactive activities examining the role young people played at the original Earth Summit in 1992. They also examined the idea of sustainable development while sharing […]

Tenacious Trees launch their short animation ‘Love the Trees’

ECO-UNESCO Peer Education Programme – Latest News  The YSD peer education group successfully launched their animation drawing attention to the importance of trees worldwide and the impact deforestation has on. The group: Alia, Jing, Eoin, Alacque and Robert who received a grant from ECO-UNESCO’s Clubs in Action Fund supported by Toyota have been painstakingly working […]

The Coral Reef is Back!

ECO-UNESCO is delighted to announce the exhibition of a unique and wonderful hyperbolic crochet representation of a coral reef where maths, handicraft, marine, environment, art and community combine in an explosion of colour, shape and crocheted form at The Greenhouse, Dublin 2. THE IRISH REEF is a Satellite of the worldwide Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef […]

ECO-Explorer Halloween Camp 2012

The annual ECO-Explorer Halloween camp for kids was a great success. Nineteen young people including participants from Ireland, Italy and Korea had a great adventure exploring nature in the city through a range of spooky activities. Highlights included broomstick races, making leaf skeletons and creative-recycling masks, t-shirt painting, and more! We even found the witch […]