Tenacious Trees launch their short animation ‘Love the Trees’

ECO-UNESCO Peer Education Programme – Latest News  The YSD peer education group successfully launched their animation drawing attention to the importance of trees worldwide and the impact deforestation has on. The group: Alia, Jing, Eoin, Alacque and Robert who received a grant from ECO-UNESCO’s Clubs in Action Fund supported by Toyota have been painstakingly working […]

The Coral Reef is Back!

ECO-UNESCO is delighted to announce the exhibition of a unique and wonderful hyperbolic crochet representation of a coral reef where maths, handicraft, marine, environment, art and community combine in an explosion of colour, shape and crocheted form at The Greenhouse, Dublin 2. THE IRISH REEF is a Satellite of the worldwide Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef […]

ECO-Explorer Halloween Camp 2012

The annual ECO-Explorer Halloween camp for kids was a great success. Nineteen young people including participants from Ireland, Italy and Korea had a great adventure exploring nature in the city through a range of spooky activities. Highlights included broomstick races, making leaf skeletons and creative-recycling masks, t-shirt painting, and more! We even found the witch […]

International News Young Italian visitors take ECO-Action in Dublin!

A group of 19 young people from Italy visited Ireland for a study visit to complete a customised 2 week ECO-UNESCO Community Development Programme. As part of the programme, the young people completed environmental action projects including public environmental awareness surveys. We were highly impressed with the level of enthusiasm, dedication and positive energy that they brought to their […]

In Town Without My Car Day

  ECO-UNESCO participated this year’s ‘In Town, Without My Car Day!’ (formerly Car Free Day) on 22 September 2012  during EU-Mobility Week. ECO-UNESCO organised a joint workshop with Rothar, a community bike organisation in Dublin. 

Irish Cancer Society X-Hale Youth Awards Film Premier 2012

The Irish Cancer Society as part of the X-Hale Youth awards premiered 14 anti smoking videos produced by youth groups all over Ireland. The awards, which were Oscar themed, were held in the fantastic Light House Cinema in Smithfield, Dublin 7 on Tuesday, October 30th. The ECO-UNESCO young people who developed a split screen video […]

PEPS trip to Fota Wildlife Park

  ECO-UNESCO Peer Education Programme – Latest News  PEP groups for the last two years had a fantastic day trip to Fota Wildlife Park courtesy of Irish Rails ‘The Journey’s on us’ community initiative. ECO-UNESCO recieved 50 free rail tickets to Fota, Cork as part of this initiative which aims to thank groups for the […]

Green Teen Club – “Mission Possible” Film

Congratulations to the ECO-UNESCO Green Teen Club for the recent completion of their short film production project “Mission Possible.” The exciting project included film production training and was funded by Leargas – Youth in Action. Report from the Green Teen Club:  The film project aimed to raise awareness among young people about how our day […]

Turbines power Grasstonbury Youth Festival on Mandela International Day!

‘Grasstonbury,’ a unique youth-led green music festival came to North Dublin for one day only last week! This free festival-style event took place on Wednesday 18th July in Father Collins Park, north Dublin – Ireland’s only completely sustainable park! The green teens behind this unique event are the ‘New Waves,’ an inspiring group of young […]

Public Poll for Photography Competition – Results!

Camera on Citizenship – Global Views Congratulations on the winners of the the Camera on Citizenship – Global Views photography exhibition competition! The winner of the online public poll is Mariah Culloty, Co. Limerick with her photo “Different Nationalities Together Make A Difference!!” with 31.5% of the public votes. The second winner with the highest […]