Green Christmas Challenge
Green Christmas Challenge Let’s celebrate the holiday season with purpose! Join ECO-UNESCO’s Green Christmas Challenge and commit to taking small, daily sustainable actions for 10 days. These actions will have positive environmental impacts, and your donation will support our work to give young people the skills and opportunities to take climate and environmental action, now […]
Youth Climate Change Survey 2021

In November 2021 as part of the ‘Youth Climate Justice challenge’, ECO-UNESCO in collaboration with, conducted an online survey with young people. The purpose of the survey is to highlight how young people of Ireland feel about climate change and climate justice issues, how they want to be involved in solving climate issues, how they […]
ECO-UNESCO’s youth work highlighted in Ireland’s National Parliament!

On Tuesday 20th October 2020, Minister Roderic O’Gorman highlighting ECO-UNESCO’s youth work in Ireland’s national parliament. ECO-UNESCO staff and young people met the Minister via Zoom call as part of the initiative #Budget2021 and #YouthWorkChangeLives that The National Youth Council Ireland organised. The goal of this movement was to encourage the Government to increase the […]
BE FOODSMART! We can eat more sustainably

The main seafood consumed by our society are top predators like tuna, salmon and cod. This is unsustainable and we have to change our eating habits towards seafood from lower down the food web. We can eat more sustainably by tapping into local marine resources and reconnecting consumers with their coastal cultural heritage by providing […]