
 ECO-UNESCO understands parents want to be assured of their child’s safety and welfare whenever they are under our care. As an organisation we want to ensure that the young people we work with are protected and kept safe while with our staff and volunteers. To this end we have developed robust child protection, recruitment and selection policies and procedures. These policies and procedures are consistent with National child protection policy and with good practice guidelines in the Youth Work sector in the Republic of Ireland.

Our Child Protection Policy’ outlines our child protection policies and procedures and is available to view for all parents on request. ECO-UNESCO reviews the effectiveness of our Child Protection procedures and policies on an ongoing basis.

Any member of staff will be happy to discuss any queries you may have in relation to the implementation of these procedures for any of our programmes

Garda Vetting

All ECO-UNESCO staff and volunteers go through a thorough vetting process. All staff must go through formal police checking (Garda Vetting) as well as knowing, signing up to and adhering to our “Child Protection Policy”

ECO-UNESCO is a registered organisation with the Garda Central Vetting Unit in Thurles, Co Tipperary.